Scheme of Subjects Taught
English, Modern Mathematics, Environmental Education, General Knowledge, Art & Craft, Moral Science, Drawing, Computer Application.
English, Hindi, Marathi or (Gujarati/Arabic/French), Mathematics, Environmental Education, General Science, General Knowledge, Moral Science, History, Geography, Computer Application, SUPW, Work Experience, Community Living, Art and Craft, Physical and Health Education & Environmental Education.
English, Hindi, Marathi or (Gujarati/French/Arabic), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Biology, History & Civics, Geography, General Knowledge, Computer Application, Work Experience, Moral Science, Art & Craft, Physical & Health Education & Environmental Education.
English, Hindi, Marathi or (Gujarati/French/Arabic), Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry), Physics, Chemistry & Biology, History & Civic, Geography, Value Education, Computer Application, General Knowledge, Work Experience, Physical & Health Education, Environmental Education, Economics & Commercial Application.
Arts / Science & Commerce Stream.
Provision is made for girls to learn separately certain subjects in curriculum e.g. Needle-work, Indian Dancing and Home Science on extra payment.
The academic standard of the institution is equivalent to any school/college under any State Education Board in India. Students who leave the school/college with certificates are eligible for admission to any school/college in any part of India I.C.S.E./S.S.C./H.S.C. Examinations are generally recognized as a qualifying examination for admission to Indian as well as foreign colleges.
Strength of Class
The Management believes in providing the scope for rapport between the teacher and the taught. Hence the number in each class is restricted to 20/25. The teacher student ratio is normally 1:15
In one Academic Year there are two Unit Tests and two Examinations, viz. Mid Term and Annual Examinations. A system of examination based on the principle of continuous evaluation of the students is followed. Attendance at all examinations is compulsory. Leave is not granted during Tests/Examinations. There are Tests conducted on every Saturday.
Candidates appearing for Board Examinations (Std. X, XII) must take the Preliminary Examination.
Utmost care is taken to avoid discrepancy in calculations and evaluations. The result once declared, cannot be questioned/reconsidered except when there is a proven lapse. Another unique feature of the assessment system is that very bright children are encouraged with monthly award of Distinction and Commendation and have the privilege of signing the Honors Book once a year.
Academic Calendar
Academic Year: June to March